Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee Approval
Reminder for teachers
Queensland teachers are reminded that they are required to submit an application to the Queensland Schools Animal Ethics Committee in order to obtain permission to run a hatching program in their school. This is a requirement of the Queensland Animal Care and Protection Act 2001. The process for obtaining approval has recently been streamlined. All the information and forms you need to obtain approval can be found by clicking on the helpful links below.
Please note: that parts of the Qld Government Site are under reconstruction, You may receive a message that the file this link refers to cannot currently be found. If this happens, you will need to use the email enquiry form or the phone number on the page which appears in order to obtain the information you need. If you would just like to download an application form to register as a scientific user, please click here: Direct Link to Application Form
Should you require further information regarding this policy, please use the following contact details: Project Officer - Animal Ethics - Curriculum Branch; Education Queensland Phone: (07) 3235 4207